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This site was created by and for the descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor and is dedicated to genealogy research on these family lines.

     The Descendants of William Redden Sr. & Fanny Kaylor



The family legend:

William Redden Sr. was born in England about 1772. Fanny Kaylor was born in Holland about 1773. They were married about 1794 and migrated to the United States in 1795, entering through the Port of Philadelphia, PA. They journeyed down to Virginia and bought a farm near Staunton,VA. In 1810 they came across the mountains, to what is now Raleigh County, WV., on a camping and exploring expedition. They liked the area so well that William and Fanny bought a farm on the level plateau, on top of New River Mountain, between Mill Creek and Glade Creek. Michael Kaylor, Fanny's brother who accompanied them, bought a large tract of land near Grand View. They never returned to the Virginia farm.

 Note on above Legend: Although similar legends have been found among the family lines, its accuracy remains in question. The previously stated family history tells us that William was born in England about 1772 and Fanny in Holland about 1773. This same record has been found among several different lines descending from William Redden Sr. We now know that this information is not accourate.

The 1850 Raleigh County census lists William Redden Sr. as age 61, and his birthplace as Virginia. It lists Fanny Kaylor Redden as age 58, and her birthplace also as Virginia. That would place Williams birth year as 1789 and Fannys in 1792.

Fanny's birthplase has been identified as Fayett County, Virginia. Her parents, Mathias Kaylor and  Katherine Cheter were born in Germany.

We continue to search for the parents of Willim Redden Sr.


           An Invitation

Today, you can still find descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor close to their roots in Raleigh County West Virginia. Others are scattered throughout the United States and other parts of the world. They have been found in Ohio, Florida, California, Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Texas, and as far away as India.

Here stands an open invitation to all who descend from William and Fanny's eleven children. Let us learn of each other, and prove our family history together, sharing information with each other in a spirit of respect for those who have gone before.

Let us discover our heritage and build a Family Tree in honor of those two individuals, who were among the first to settle in what is today Raleigh County, West Virginia., to establish a home, and a family, our common link.

Who we are

The Descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor is a family organization founded November of 1999. 

The organization purpose

Its purpose is to foster more effective genealogy research on the lines of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor’s children by collecting, organizing and verifying the genealogy data of those lines and to create a database that can be shared with all of the descendants, and to preserve it for future generations. We are always searching for descendants in the hope that they will join with us in this effort. Membership is free and open to all who are descendants of William Redden Sr. and Fanny Kaylor.

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